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Trilokya is a Bali based community development group, focused on property development, investment and research. Our projects span several scales across residential and mixed use sectors with the intent to co-exist within their environments while elevating neighbourhoods and markets.


To create places of their context; Refined place making founded in local philosophy. Spaces to promote harmonious relationships between culture, nature, and human connections.



{ trih • loh • kyaa }Indonesian

Trilokya; Three spheres of life.
The head, The body, The feet.
The past, The present. The future.

Trilokya is a traditional Balinese Hindu philosophy with resonance in contemporary contexts. To us, it is our approach to design, development, and operation which  derives from the local environment and in direct response to the ethereal, the human, and the land.


Our projects are unique developments, that respond to their environment and integrate into and enhance their community.


Thomas | Managing Partner

With over 15 years experience in Real Estate, Design, & Construction, Thomas brings a wealth of experience to Trilokya. Now based in Bali having previously worked in China, Australia, USA, and the UK, Thomas is able to provide clear strategic direction and management at an international standard with local understanding. Having delivered over 100 projects across varying scales, his detailed understanding of development ensures Trilokya’s success.

Alec | Operating Partner

Alec has been based in South East Asia for over 10 years, working in multiple organisations leading sales and operations teams. His extensive regional experience has enabled Alec to deeply understand both business strategy and cultural nuance of South East Asia. Alec’s operational background enables Trilokya to manage streamlined and efficient teams

Johnny | Head of Finance

As a risk and finance analyst, Johnny brings a vast amount of capital market experience to Trilokya. With over 10 years of experience in in corporate finance, Johnny  is able to craft, forecast, and oversee Trilokya’s development models with a detailed eye for risk, compliance, sustainability, and profitability. Having lived in Bali for the past 3 years, Johnny has an intimate understanding of local markets and customs.


Trilokya thrives on a principle driven approach.
Our process, projects, and purpose
are governed by 3 pillars.


Every one, every place, and every thing has a story. Our projects value the power of storytelling and crafting results through story. It is the language through which humans communicate, and how our projects connect with people.


We do not shout. We are respectful and act with discretion. We are careful with sensitive information, and polite and professional with our partners and collaborators. We are quietly confident in our work, allowing them to speak for themselves.


Diversity is something to be embraced and enhanced. From a common ground, we embrace diverse thinking, viewing challenges, opportunities, and objectives through multiple lenses. We are open to change and diversity of thought, context, and content to drive our vision.


To be economically sound

Our company is founded in sound economic principles which drive our decision making and forecasting. We aim to deliver sustainable growth through viable projects that support our vision and the communities in which we work.

To create to enhance

Projects that matter. We develop projects that celebrate and enhance their context, rather than dominate. Places for people to be proud of, places that positively contribute to their environment and tread lightly.

To operate with integrity

To take responsibility for our decisions and actions. We value fairness, transparency, and ethical operations. We learn and grow, improving in the process and keeping ourselves accountable.


Trilokya is earnest in its devotion to creating spaces

by people for people.